t’s officially strawberry season at Harvest Experience as we have harvested our first lot. Not that many but don’t panic there are heaps on the way. In the meantime we will savour each and everyone of these beauties! We grow a heritage variety called ‘Adina’ often described as the perfect strawberry. I wish you could smell them! They don’t even compare with commercial strawberries. The difference is that the old varieties have all the flavour but very delicate With the advent of large big box grocery stores and consolidation of suppliers produce has to travel hundreds of kilometres and also keep for many weeks before they are repacked and finally on supermarket shelves. So strawberries were hybridised to ensure they became a more robust fruit so they could travel@in trucks and keep longer, the sacrifice was taste and ripeness. The commercial strawberry is picked when unripe and left to ripen with gases in the cold store. Yet the flavour and the sugars come from the sun, take that away and you take the flavour away. I say if there is only one fruit you grow it’s strawberries as nothing compares to home grown. Also side make them organic. Commercial strawberries have the highest levels of pesticides residual compared to any other fruit due to the seeds on them. So I am off to devour these before my daughter sees them and maybe I will throw a couple in a glass of Pimm’s, it would be cruel to the strawberry not to #strawberrygrowing #organicgardening #organicgarden
